Welcome to Buy Classic Air Jordan Shoes, Our Store Offers Free and Fast Shipping, Jordan Socks and Prompt Service
Classic Air Jordan 14On June 4th,1998,the generation of Classic Air Jordan 14 was released,which was inspired by Michael Jordan's car--Ferrari 550M,designed by Tinker Hatfield together with Mark Smith ,and created durning that period.The particular design of the Jordan Sneakers will certainly make us link this shoe to "Air Jordan"'s favorite car:race car liked stitching,seven Jumpman logo in a Ferrari-like shield,tire patten back heel design and the apart from the outlook appearance,it is the free performance that concide with the car a lot.This is also the first Sneakers version that Nike company applied metal tips to the lace that makes it seems great.The inner part of the ankle used thick sponge material provided a comfortable feeling,and there has a special design of the ankle on this classic air jordan shoes,the inside part is higher than the outside,the higher portion provide protect injury from spraining,and the lower part not only can reduce the materisl use,also lighten can lighten the weight. Jordan retirement from the favorite basketball court, this fact left many regret to people.People have often remember he and his basketball skill.After that,They have become many more pupular,and in the market we can see lots online shops,and on the line store also have many versions of the air jordan shoes.
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